Demystifying EDI Standards: Understanding ANSI X12 and EDIFACT 

Demystifying EDI Standards: Understanding ANSI X12 and EDIFACT 

06.10.23 09:17 AM By Keatha

      Electronic data interchange (EDI) has transformed the way businesses communicate information and streamline processes. The adoption of standardized formats to enable consistent and correct communication between trading partners is a critical feature of EDI. In this blog post, we will look at two popular EDI standards: ANSI X12 and EDIFACT. By the end of this guide, you'll have a firm grasp of these standards and their importance to the world of EDI.

The Importance of EDI Standards

      EDI standards are like a common language that enables diverse businesses to communicate effectively. They define the structure, format, and content of EDI messages, ensuring that information is exchanged accurately and seamlessly. Two of the most widely adopted EDI standards are ANSI X12 and EDIFACT.

1. ANSI X12: The North American Standard

                 What exactly is ANSI X12?

         ANSI X12 refers to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X12, which functions as the primary standard for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in North America. It encompasses a wide range of industries, including, but not limited to, retail and healthcare. This standard defines specific transaction sets that are customized to suit various business processes.

Benefits of EDI:

  •   Numeric Identification: Every transaction set possesses an exclusive numeric identification, facilitating clear differentiation among various document           categories.
  •   Segment Composition: ANSI X12 messages are partitioned into segments, each distinguished by a unique code and containing specific data components.
  •   Standardized Data Elements: Each segment incorporates standardized data elements with established names, formats, and lengths.
  •   Hierarchical Loops: Segments are aptly arranged into loops, enabling the creation of hierarchical and nested structures within messages.

2. EDIFACT: The Global Standard

What is EDIFACT?

    EDIFACT, which stands for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport, represents a global EDI standard created under the auspices of the United Nations. This standard finds extensive utilization across Europe and various other parts of the world, acclaimed for its remarkable adaptability and versatility.

Key Features of EDIFACT:

- Alphanumeric Identifier:  EDIFACT uses alphanumeric identifiers for messages, providing more flexibility compared to numeric identifiers.

- Segment Structure: Similar to ANSI X12, EDIFACT messages are divided into segments, each identified by a code.

- Data Element Format: EDIFACT allows for various data element formats, including alphanumeric, numeric, and special characters.

- Segment Grouping: EDIFACT employs segment grouping to structure messages, providing a hierarchical arrangement.

Comparing ANSI X12 and EDIFACT

Industry Adoption:

- ANSI X12 is dominant in North America and is often used by companies conducting business within the region.

- EDIFACT is more prevalent internationally, particularly in Europe, making it suitable for global transactions.

Numeric vs. Alphanumeric Identifiers:

- ANSI X12 uses numeric identifiers for its transaction sets, simplifying document identification.

- EDIFACT employs alphanumeric identifiers, allowing for more intuitive identification and adaptability.

Data Element Format:

- ANSI X12 enforces strict data element formats, ensuring consistency but potentially limiting flexibility.

- EDIFACT's flexible approach to data element formats provides adaptability for diverse business needs.

Segment Grouping and Hierarchical Structures:

- Both standards support hierarchical structures through segment grouping, but EDIFACT's approach is often considered more flexible.


        EDI standards like ANSI X12 and EDIFACT play a pivotal role in enabling seamless electronic communication between businesses across the globe. Understanding these standards is essential for effective data interchange, as they provide a framework for structuring and exchanging information accurately. While ANSI X12 is prominent in North America, EDIFACT's international prevalence makes it a go-to choice for global transactions. By demystifying these standards, businesses can ensure smoother operations, improved accuracy, and enhanced collaboration with their trading partners, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and growth.
